Holiday’s finished …

Our holiday in St Petersburg has finished πŸ™ and again we should go to work :(. But the holiday was fantastic: we walked on historic center of St Petersburg and Pushkin, we were in the Theatre of Comedy and watched very nice spectacle, we met our parents and friends, we were in the night club.
Also we are owners of digital camera – “Canon Power Shot S60”. So, we made about 200 photos in St Petersburg (I’ll upload them soon and write my impressions of the holiday). For the moment you can see small part of them.

Hurrah!!! It’s a Holiday!!!

Well, it’s time to get rest πŸ™‚
Holliday’s came! And we are going to go to St Petersburg.
We are planning to go to theatres, museums, night clubs. Sure
We are going to see our friends and walk in the historic center of the St Petersburg.
I hope that this holiday will be nice.
Also, I won’t have time and possibility to update my blog and cinema schedule during two weeks.
(I don’t think that it’s a big problem πŸ˜‰ ))
See you after holiday!

Japanese cars are the most reliable in the world!

Mazda Logo

Warranty Direct, who insure older cars against breakdown, published a survey of reliability of cars by brends.
Traditionally Japanese cars take first places.

Number of failures per 100 policies:

  1. Mazda 17.88
  2. Toyota 18.62
  3. Honda 19.41
  4. Saab 42.87
  5. Jeep 43.75
  6. Land Rover 46.23

Continue reading Japanese cars are the most reliable in the world!

Natural trail “Kallidonia Falls”

Troodos Map
We went to Troodos three weeks ago and walked by the way to Kallidonia Falls. We started from Psilo Dendro and passed 2 km to the first waterfall.
We went along small mountain stream (I don’t understand why it was called “Kryos Potamos river” … Well, maybe it looks like a river in the sprint time πŸ™‚ ) and enjoyed silence, fresheness and beautiful view. Also, we made a few photos.

Natural trail “Kalidonia Falls”
Starting point: About 700m from the road between Troodos and Platres near the President’s summer residence. Also accessible via a forest road which begins at the tourist road 2 kms from the Square.
Length: 3 kms Time: 1 1/2 hours
Points of interest: The trail follows a course along Kryos Potamos river, which never runs dry. It posses the Kalidonia Falls and ends at Psilo Dendro, in Pano Platres.

Linux guide to presentation programs.

Magic Point
I’ve found an interesing article about presentation programms for Linux – The Grumpy Editor’s guide to presentation programs.
It describes both well-known (at list for me πŸ™‚ ) graphical tools like KPresenter and OpenOffice and programms based on plain text files and a custom markup language: MagicPoint and Pointless.
Graphical editors give the best fit for overwhelming majority of users. But Linux gurus will prefer second group of presentation programms. Because they give them a possibility to create a perfect presentaion in they favourite editor: vim or emacs.

The “magic” function Embperl::Execute


There are three most popular frameworks to embedding Perl into HTML pages: Mason, Embperl and Template Toolkit. It happend that I’ve started work with Embperl. It’s clear, compact, power and growing up tool to produce dinamic web sites.
There is a ‘magic’ function with allows you many features. This is function called ‘Execute’. So, let’s see it in details.

Continue reading The “magic” function Embperl::Execute

Multimedia Refridgerator

Multimedia Refridgerator
We have already got used to combination many devices in the one: mobile phones with camera, music centers, kitchen units etc. But company LG has decided to go to itself way and announced a new hight capacity refrigerator with a built-in 13-inch TFT-LCD monitor TV with 450-candela brightness, 120-degree angle view and FM tuner.
It’s impressive! I don’t know how about an utility of that refrigerator but LG has succeeded amaze people at list πŸ™‚