Track your time with

To take stock of your working time try It’s simple but power on-line application allows to create project, assign some task to it and add a time spending to resolve the task. The has clear interface without some web 2.0 features but quite enough to store and get working time. It’s possible to generate report based on project or dates, build some charts, […]

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Keep your notes online

Since we’re using Internet actively we try to move our stuff on-line. Here is a list of seven web-based applications to store notes on-line: Google Notebook mynoteIT Notefish Notezz! Stikkit Yahoo! Notepad Zoho Notebook At the beginning I tried to use Google Notebook but I found it too complicated and uncomfortable for such simple task as storing notes. The second was Notefish. I still use […]

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Driving LED Emoticons

I really need this gadget when I drive my car: The Driving LED Emoticon is a battery powered, wirelessly controlled message sign that can be attached to the rear window of your car via the included suction cup. A remote control unit is kept in the front of the car (fixed to front window, dash, or laid in a storage compartment) to activate the messages […]

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Building Web Applications with Gantry and Bigtop

Here is a new book – Building Web Applications with Gantry and Bigtop, which describes all aspects to develop Perl powered web applications using modern Perl framework Gantry and its part – a web application data language processor Bigtop: Gantry and Bigtop make starting a Perl powered web application almost painless. After initial start up, they are the tools you need to implement complex applications […]

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10 most commonly used online passwords

In PC Magazine’s upcoming May 8th issue they have listed the top 10 most commonly used passwords online: 1. password 2. 123456 3. qwerty 4. abc123 5. letmein 6. monkey 7. myspace1 8. password1 9. blink182 10. (your first name) Cool, especially the first one :). I remember that Leslie Nielsen in The Naked Gun used password “password” to login to the super secret computer. […]

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Check your popularity with

Here is a new, useful service – It gets information from several places – Alexa and Google; backlink numbers from the likes of Google, Live Search and Yahoo; bookmark numbers from; and subscriber numbers from Bloglines and displays it on one page. Sure this service is a good example of Web 2.0 technology. Have a look it and have fun 🙂 [via Lifehacker]

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Picasa Web Albums grow up to 1Gb!

As a user of Picasa Web Album I’m happy to know that Google increased album space from 250MB to 1GB which should be enough to store up to 4000 standard-resolution photos. Additionally, a new Community Photos search feature was created to help you discover and explore the public web albums of others on the site. Plus the procedure of link albums or photos via email, […]

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Scribd – “YouTube for Documents”

Scribd, a site for sharing documents, is coming out of private beta this week: Scribd is most easily described as a text version of YouTube. It is a social network that lets you tag, share, and comment on uploaded documents (.doc, .pdf, .txt, .ppt, .xls, .ps, .lit). Documents can be displayed and embedded as HTML or the under-utilized, and faster-than-a-PDF, Flash paper format. They can […]

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